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Disrupt your industry yourself, or be gone...

In the dynamic realm of B2B, there is an unmistakable upward trend in customer expectations regarding service levels and speed. This phenomenon can be attributed to two pivotal factors. First and foremost, we, as consumers, have become accustomed to the unparalleled speed of B2C transactions. We place online orders, monitor inventory levels, and receive confirmations of our purchases within minutes, followed by swift shipping notifications. Deliveries often occur the next day, sometimes even on the same day. This consumer-centric velocity in online shopping is now increasingly expected in the B2B sphere.

In addition to speed, there is a growing demand for premium products and services in the B2B world. Errors in our supply chain are simply no longer tolerable. The pressure on inventories and the costs of maintaining them are high, and products are evolving rapidly, increasing the risk of unsellable stock. Moreover, rectifying errors (by suppliers) comes with substantial costs. Consider the need to re-plan production lines due to poor, delayed, or incomplete deliveries, resulting in an inability to meet your own customers’ expectations. Not to mention the administrative hassles involved in returning goods.

In short, businesses find themselves in an environment where speed and top-level service are no longer “order winners,” but have evolved into “order qualifiers.” If your speed does not rank among the fastest in the sector and your service level isn’t among the highest, your organization risks being left behind in the competition.

Disrupt your own industry by providing unparalleled customer service!

3 core tenets

Striving for a flawless 100% operational efficiency

While this pursuit isn’t new, it remains a significant challenge. Organizations that pursue this and integrate it into their core KPIs are not only fortunate but also have an opportunity to transform the sector. Here lies both the fortune of survival and the potential to disrupt the market. By taking a lead over the competition and creating a competitive advantage, your organization can surge far ahead.


Achieving single-digit lead times

This concerns the speed at which you handle various aspects of the customer experience. This encompasses not only responding to customer queries via email but also processing orders and delivering tailor-made products or services. For instance, if the average order processing time in your sector is 360 minutes, your target should be 9 minutes. If your customers typically wait 35 minutes for an email response, your aim should be to reduce this to 9 minutes or less. This aspiration might sound like an unattainable goal, but it will compel you to think creatively about your processes and explore innovative approaches. Remember: “Even if you aim for the stars and land on the moon, it’s still better than remaining stuck on the mountaintop.”


Maintaining this at an unwavering CONSTANT level

Delivering top-tier service with unparalleled lead times in your sector is one accomplishment, but it must be upheld CONSTANTLY. Organizations must work on automation and digitization, AI integration, and immediate human resource alignment.


How to achieve this

Organizations Must Work On Automation And Digitization, AI Integration, And Immediate Human Resource Alignment.

Step 1

Automation and Digitization

The first step involves automating and digitizing processes. Manual processes with human intervention simply cannot achieve the same results as automated processes. This is all about operational excellence and continuous improvement, measured and effective.

Step 2

Utilizing AI to Streamline Processes and Empower Employees in Value-Added Work

After digitization and automation, it’s time to leverage AI to optimize processes. AI can already handle a significant portion of standard tasks, perhaps up to 80% of your organizational processes (assuming step 1 is completed). The remaining 20% can be managed by employees who will gradually guide AI to further reduce that 20%. This also presents new opportunities for employees, as they’ll spend less time on mundane, repetitive tasks and focus on more challenging work. This also means there’s room for human interaction with customers and suppliers, which provides a competitive advantage in an increasingly digital environment.

Step 3

Immediate Alignment of HR Resources

In a world where customers expect unwavering top-notch service, your organization must be agile. While digitization, automation, and AI deployment can take you far, you must also respond immediately to temporary increases in work (in manual processes) or unexpected absences. Letting backlogs accumulate or leaving functions vacant for weeks is no longer acceptable. Your customers expect consistently high performance, day after day. So, don’t drop the ball, as your competitors are ready to pick it up and run with it, taking your customers along.